About Me


I am a Whatcom County native and have grown up with a wide array of animals all my life in a gentle barn. In the past 7 years, I have taken my love for cats specifically, and channelled it into helping our local ones in need by volunteering my time and efforts in the community with various organizations like WHS, WeSNiP, and Creatures Comfort/Bel-West. After realizing my talent and gifts with our most vulnerable feline populations (neonatal kittens, senior/geriatric adults, and unsocialized) I decided to concentrate solely in the areas I could make the biggest difference. Currently, I run a small non-profit called Whatcom Barn Buddies which is dedicated to advocating for displaced feral/semi-feral cats through guided adoptions into welcoming environments, such as barn or garden homes for pest control. Now in my third season, we are really making a name for ourselves as the premier, solutions based working cat adoption program here in Whatcom County!

In to order remain operational and a viable resource for rescuing, I decided to turn my passion into a paycheck by becoming a pet care provider. Thus Cozy Critter Care was born! When you support me, you support a first responder in your home community, and who better to take care of your pets than someone who is also an experienced and active animal rescuer? I have no children of my own, except furry ones, and one rescued fish, but I also deeply understand the not so cuddly ones who serve their rightful purpose as well. Feral cats, top my list of loves afterall. The question I  most often get is “How many cats do you have?” The answer can change on any given day. 😉